Thanks to the hard work of the High Desert Heroes and the generosity of the Bend, Oregon,
Best Buy, SOUL has a new gaming system for Game Night.
The High Desert Heroes are a group formed as part of a Small Group Communications class at
Central Oregon Community College. Assistant Professor of Speech, Mike Artus requires his
students to work with a non-profit organization as part of the course curriculum.
Maxwell Huni, one of the original Game Night participants, suggested SOUL to the High Desert
Heroes. The group is working to expand the reach of Game Night and SOUL by creating fliers,
writing press releases, and seeking donations.
Since Huni works at Best Buy, he approached Russ Morris, the manager of the Bend store, to
request a donation. Morris came through in spades, donating a brand-new Xbox One X gaming
console, an extra controller, and a copy of the game NBA 2K20.
The High Desert Heroes attended Game Night on Thursday, November 7 th and presented the
console and game to SOUL. Now we can hold Game Night even when participants can’t provide
The High Desert Heroes will complete their mission next month, when the class ends. Between
now and then, they will continue to spread awareness of Game Night, and solicit donations of
used Xbox One games for SOUL.
Thank you High Desert Heroes and Best Buy Bend!